Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb

Tomo Savić-Gecan

Untitled, 2022/2023

June 20 - 24, 2023

This year’s Antisezona features a special guest, artist Tomo Savić-Gecan. His project “Untitled, 2022/2023” is based on the project “Untitled (Croatian Pavillion), 2022”, which represented Croatia at the 59th Venice Biennale of Art.

Every day for the duration of seven months of the Venice Biennale five female and male dancers out of a trained troupe of twenty-five performers waited to receive instructions on their smartphones at 8 a.m. Wirelessly transmitted AI guidelines were anchored in the newsfeeds, i.e. daily analyzed textual data from the lead stories of randomly selected global news outlets such as Arab News, Corriere della Sera, El Tiempo, Le Monde, Bangkok Post, The Namibian or New York Times. AI was trained to recognize and classify a predetermined set of topics by predictive algorithms, including climate change, human rights violations, technological development and military activities. As a result, each and every day the performers would receive specific algorithmically-derived instructions that would take a different turn in accordance with the relevant top stories, and determine the venue where they were supposed to appear, the movements they were supposed to perform, as well as the particularities to focus on during their performances.

The disturbing question raised by the artist in this project regarding the invisible and prominent AI presence in our everyday life will be revisited once again, but this time against the backdrop of the exhibition spaces at the Museum of Contemporary Art. The visitors will be able to find the information about the venue, exact time and daily news to be enacted by the performers in person while the project is running on the website ( created for the Zagreb project edition.

Supportred by: The Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia and City of Zagreb